Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Red, The White and The Blue

Lindsey and her half smile

D Bug and his 2nd place medal!

This year's 4th of July festivities were fantastic as usual!First off the parade, Lindsey loved waving to the princesses and getting lots of candy. Dylan was interested as long as it wasn't loud and candy was involved. We met up with the Dean's gang under our usual spot by the school where we learned that Dalton had won 2nd place in the 1K race that morning. He was super proud of his silver medal...Great job D! We got lots of Popsicles and candy then headed off to the park. Lindsey and Dylan both won fish, got their faces painted and bounced in the bounce houses. The off to Grandma and Grandpa's for a BBQ, water fight and fireworks. All in all a great addition to our summer!

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