Sunday, July 8, 2012

Gooseberry Reservoir

Dylan picking his "flowers"


Dylan "petting the fishy"

Lindsey caught the most fish~ 10!!! All by herself!

Daddy making the fishy "talk" to Dylan.
Every year (at least once) we head up to Gooseberry Reservoir for some camping and fishing fun. We load up the trailer, hook on the boat and head up for the weekend. The kids love it because the fish are everywhere and easy to catch. Ryan and I love it for the fishing and also because it's so quiet and really pretty. Dylan wasn't very interested in fishing until the fish was caught, he insisted on touching every fish that was even close to him. He asked to "pet" them everytime. While Linds and Ryan were fishing off the shore, Dylan was picking flowers (or dandelions, whichever) and throwing them in the water for the fishies. We had a great time fishing, making smores and hanging out in the trailer...can't wait for the next trip!

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