Sunday, July 8, 2012

First Time For Everything...

Dylan and haircuts just don't mix. He hates them. I hate taking him to get one. Kristy hates being the one to have to do it. It's just not a pleasureable experience for anyone involved. So with Kristy being pregnant and Dylan being a kicker when he's mad. I decided to try it myself. First mistake...thinking he would be better for me. Second mistake....thinking I could cut his hair by myself. Hmm...this will end up great. So, I grabbed Ryan, some clippers and a towel and headed outside (less mess, you know). Ryan's job was to hold him still (because he's stronger) and I would cut his hair. Now, let me throw in this side note....I have felt like crap this entire day and my reflexes may not be quite up to par, so why I picked this day to perform my first every haircut, I couldn't tell you. On we go. Dylan is already crying when the clippers start to buzz. We start off slow and I'm feeling fairly confident and then we get to the back of his head....this is where it goes bad. So I've buzzed off all the long hair, now I just need to trim the edge...third mistake...of course, he jerks his head as soon as I start and he ends up with not one, but two deep ugly jagged buzz cuts down to the skin. The picture does not do it justice....oh well, at least it's in the back, right?!?

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