Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Biggest Teddy Bear Ever!




The Teddy Bear Couch in the gift shop is a MUST when we go to Yellowstone.
The pictures say it all!

Bears and Wolves and Birds Oh My!

Yummy fishy for dinner

Dylan~" That's not a birdie...that's a chicken."
He makes me laugh.

Dylan by the Wolf Den...he didn't dare go inside :)

This year when we visited the Bears and Wolves in West Yellowstone, the new addition had opened. A Bald Eagle, Golden Eagles, Owls and more were all present and we picked an awesome time to visit....feeding time. Raw fish for everyone! Delicious! We checked out the birds, the wolves and the bears and headed over to the playground which I think is really the only reason the kids really like to come here. Well, maybe not, the telescopes were a big hit this year too! :)

Bears and Wolves

Daddy, Lindsey and Dylan at the Firehole River Waterfall

My Boys

Lindsey and Dylan love to go see the bears and wolves...that's code for a trip to Yellowstone and we manage to go on one every year. I don't know what is about being there but it's perfect. I look forward to it every year. This year seemed like more fun only because the kiddos are old enough now to think things are exciting and they like to see the animals and watch the geysers go off. Those kiddos sure can be entertaining. We ventured through the park, saw the bears and wolves at the habitat in town and did some shopping in the fun little shops in town. I think it's safe to say it was another successful trip. :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Our Newest Addition....

After 6 years....we finally have a backyard. Horray for grass instead of weeds and dirt! Thank you so much to Ryan, Chico and Bryan for laying sod! This is one happy wife!

The Red, The White and The Blue

Lindsey and her half smile

D Bug and his 2nd place medal!

This year's 4th of July festivities were fantastic as usual!First off the parade, Lindsey loved waving to the princesses and getting lots of candy. Dylan was interested as long as it wasn't loud and candy was involved. We met up with the Dean's gang under our usual spot by the school where we learned that Dalton had won 2nd place in the 1K race that morning. He was super proud of his silver medal...Great job D! We got lots of Popsicles and candy then headed off to the park. Lindsey and Dylan both won fish, got their faces painted and bounced in the bounce houses. The off to Grandma and Grandpa's for a BBQ, water fight and fireworks. All in all a great addition to our summer!

Trophy Daughter

Not only did Lindsey get a trophy for participating in dance this year, but she also won a trophy for perfect attendance and then her class voted her "Most Friendly" too! We are SO proud of our baby girl and the awesome kid that she is! Congrats Lindsey! Way to go!

Lindsey's Video

Dance performance Spring2012

Whatcha Think You're Lookin' At?

Lindsey's Spring Recital for dance was the last performance of the "year" for her dance team. They all did so great and I can see how much she loves it now. She's signed up for next season too and I can't wait to watch her shake it some more. She did so great and makes us so proud! Brooklyn Hunsaker started dancing in the same company too which made it that much more fun for Lindsey. They  loved watching each other do their performances and next year they should be in the same class. So excited to see them dance together! Great job girls!

I don't think Brooklyn's snile was quite ready for the camera. :)

Gooseberry Reservoir

Dylan picking his "flowers"


Dylan "petting the fishy"

Lindsey caught the most fish~ 10!!! All by herself!

Daddy making the fishy "talk" to Dylan.
Every year (at least once) we head up to Gooseberry Reservoir for some camping and fishing fun. We load up the trailer, hook on the boat and head up for the weekend. The kids love it because the fish are everywhere and easy to catch. Ryan and I love it for the fishing and also because it's so quiet and really pretty. Dylan wasn't very interested in fishing until the fish was caught, he insisted on touching every fish that was even close to him. He asked to "pet" them everytime. While Linds and Ryan were fishing off the shore, Dylan was picking flowers (or dandelions, whichever) and throwing them in the water for the fishies. We had a great time fishing, making smores and hanging out in the trailer...can't wait for the next trip!