Saturday, December 15, 2012

Ride the Train and See the Lights!

This year, I failed, once again to get tickets to take the kids on the Polar Express so instead we met up with the Grgich Family and took the kids on the Trax train to see the lights at temple square. We had so much fun! I would absolutely love to make this a new tradition for our families! We met in Salt Lake and enjoyed a delicious dinner at Texas Roadhouse then headed down to the Trax station. The kids were so excited to ride the train! It started to snow a little bit which just added to the excitement for the kiddos. The train ride up was crowded but the kids still had fun and when we got downtown the lights were way worth it. We walked around Temple Square, headed over to City Creek for a little bit where I randomly ran into Ashlee Hansen Tibbets (which was awesome, I haven't seen her forever!) and then we continued on through the lights and headed back to the train. The ride home was a lot better since we all had seats but the kids were totally worn out. It was definitely a long night, but so much fun! Merry Christmas!

Waiting for the Train to come

The Langford Family

The Grgich Family

The Kiddos With The Lights

Me and My Ashlee!

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