Saturday, December 22, 2012

O Christmas Tree

The Langford Family Christmas Tree....
Decorated with everything and anything. Ryan and I have tried to keep the spirit of Christmas alive as we remember it from being younger. Our tree growing up was always covered with colorful lights, tinsel and handmade ornaments from school along with a new ornament we were given every year. Ryan remembers his as the same kind of tradition. When Ryan and I got married, all of the ornaments that I had been given over the years were given to me in a box of my own. I hope to carry on this tradition with our kiddos too...the already have quite the collection. Some of my favorite additions from this year include the red solo cup bell that Dylan made in preschool. The elf ornament with a picture of Dylan in it that he made in preschool and the bird ornament beautifully colored by Lindsey in her kindergarten class. I love how our tree is a little bit different every year, but yet, still the same. While the matchy, matchy trees with a million and half little white lights are beautiful...this is the only kind of tree fit for our family. I love it! And I love the memories that come with it! Merry Christmas everyone!

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