Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Santa was definitely good to the kiddos this year. They must have been even more well behaved than I thought! Christmas morning came and the kiddos were ready to go. Piles of presents and everything they had asked for was there. Even a few presents for mom and dad too! Then it was off to the festivities at Grandma and Grandpa Langford's with all the cousins...What a perfect day! Merry Christmas Everyone!

Pom Poms! Just like I wanted!

"Dr. Dylan" taking care of his puppy

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve brings the family party at Grandma and Grandpa Langfords with it....which we always look forward to. A wonderful dinner, a visit from Santa Clause, new Christmas Jammies for everyone and the spirit of Christmas in the air. This year was no different. The kiddos each got new Christmas socks and a "credit card"  (gift card) from Santa this year...they were so excited! New jammies from Grandma and Grandpa for everyone made the night perfect! After the festivities, we headed home to set out cookies and milk for Santa and put the kids to bed so he could come drop off all the goodies. And it even snowed today! A white Christmas...what more could you ask for?!?

Dylan "eyeballin'" Santa

Sunday, December 23, 2012

New Traditions

This year we started a new tradition. In light of things that have happened over the past year, and the fact that absolutely NONE of the traditions I had growing up are still intact...we decided to host Christmas this year for my family. Just a simple dinner with my mom, my sister and her family, my dad and my step mom. And I have to say that I think it went well. I enjoyed having everyone here, the kids loved having everyone here at the same time and really, it's the closest I will ever get to a "family Christmas" again. So I think we will stick with it. Here's to new traditions! :)

Saturday, December 22, 2012

O Christmas Tree

The Langford Family Christmas Tree....
Decorated with everything and anything. Ryan and I have tried to keep the spirit of Christmas alive as we remember it from being younger. Our tree growing up was always covered with colorful lights, tinsel and handmade ornaments from school along with a new ornament we were given every year. Ryan remembers his as the same kind of tradition. When Ryan and I got married, all of the ornaments that I had been given over the years were given to me in a box of my own. I hope to carry on this tradition with our kiddos too...the already have quite the collection. Some of my favorite additions from this year include the red solo cup bell that Dylan made in preschool. The elf ornament with a picture of Dylan in it that he made in preschool and the bird ornament beautifully colored by Lindsey in her kindergarten class. I love how our tree is a little bit different every year, but yet, still the same. While the matchy, matchy trees with a million and half little white lights are beautiful...this is the only kind of tree fit for our family. I love it! And I love the memories that come with it! Merry Christmas everyone!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Ride the Train and See the Lights!

This year, I failed, once again to get tickets to take the kids on the Polar Express so instead we met up with the Grgich Family and took the kids on the Trax train to see the lights at temple square. We had so much fun! I would absolutely love to make this a new tradition for our families! We met in Salt Lake and enjoyed a delicious dinner at Texas Roadhouse then headed down to the Trax station. The kids were so excited to ride the train! It started to snow a little bit which just added to the excitement for the kiddos. The train ride up was crowded but the kids still had fun and when we got downtown the lights were way worth it. We walked around Temple Square, headed over to City Creek for a little bit where I randomly ran into Ashlee Hansen Tibbets (which was awesome, I haven't seen her forever!) and then we continued on through the lights and headed back to the train. The ride home was a lot better since we all had seats but the kids were totally worn out. It was definitely a long night, but so much fun! Merry Christmas!

Waiting for the Train to come

The Langford Family

The Grgich Family

The Kiddos With The Lights

Me and My Ashlee!

Gingerbread Houses

Every year we get together with the cousins at Grandma's house and make gingerbread houses. This year was no exception. Lindsey and I worked together to make our house just what she wanted. Dylan lost interest early on until he realized he could just eat the candy...then he was back! :) After we finished decorating the houses, we kicked back and ate lunch then took our creation home to show daddy what we had made. I've gotta say, this is one of my favorite traditions!

Sydnie, David, Alivia, Dalton, Daxton, Maddie, Drake, Lindsey & Dylan

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Daddy Santa

This year we took the kids to get their pictures taken with Santa. Except it was really daddy dressed up like Santa. The pictures turned out FANTASTIC! And I think we will be doing this again next year. Lindsey and Dylan thought it was so great that Daddy was dressed up like Santa...they couldn't stop smiling and giggling. It was so much fun to watch them pose for the camera. I think this will be a new favorite tradition!

Waiting to See Daddy in his Santa Suit

The Scheels Experience

We took the kids to get FotoFly pictures done this year with Shannon and Sophie. We had our photo shoot at Scheels which just opened this year so we thought we'd check it out while we were there. It was great and the kids had a ton of fun. They loved posing with the animals for pictures and the jeep was definitely a favorite. Lindsey and Dylan (especially Dylan) were of course terrified of the Ferris Wheel even though we didn't even attempt to get on it, but the rest was awesome. They loved looking at the fish, playing in the playland part and seeing all there was to see. The shooting galleries were too busy this time so I'm sure we will be back soon.

Glitter and Glue!

Last year Kristy had the kids come over and they made the most awesome hand print ornaments ever! So this year, of course, Lindsey wanted to do it again. So we came up with the idea of making hand print ornaments for all the grandparents and great grandparents for Christmas presents. The dough was made, the paint came out and the glitter came shortly after. Lindsey was so excited to make them, Dylan....not so much. He liked to paint them...Kinda. All in all, they turned out great and the kids were so proud of the presents they had made. Can't wait to give them out in just a few weeks! Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

It's Always A Good Time!

Lindsey & Brooklynn

Lindsey had her first dance recital of the season tonight and she did awesome! I'm so proud of my little dancer and how hard she works at learning her dances. She does so great! I love watching her shake it! Grandma Jolene and Stacie came to watch as well as Aunt Kristy, Dalton and Grandma. She was so excited to have everyone there to watch her...she couldn't quit smiling after she was done. Love you baby girl! You did awesome tonight!