Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful Hearts

I have a hard time during the holidays. I don't really know why exactly...but it starts around Thanksgiving. I have SO much to be thankful for and SO many blessings in my life, it's hard to imagine what it would be like without them...but it also makes me incredibly sad for those who are not as lucky as I am. I have a perfect family....a wonderful husband and two incredible kids...they are my everything. I have a job when so many people don't. I have a home. I have my health and my family is healthy as well. We have food on the table and clothes on our back. We have the means to give our kids not only the things they need, but the things they want. I have been blessed more than I think I deserve and I am so grateful for everything I have been given. So at this time of Thanksgiving...I hope I can remember all the good when it's so easy to see the bad. So while I am surrounded by extended family today and enjoying their company and the good food that has been prepared for us...I do so with a thankful heart and a humble spirit in hopes that the true meaning of Thanksgiving will carry on through my children as well.

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