Saturday, November 24, 2012

Over the River and Through The Woods....

To find the perfect Christmas Tree We Go!

Lindsey Sledding "Super Fast"

The Jefferies Family Tree

The Deans Family Tree

It's that time again to go find the perfect Langford Christmas Tree...and I think this year we did pretty good. We loaded up the kiddos, met up with the Deans and Jefferies gangs and headed out to breakfast at Ihop then onward to the mountains. Up Deer Creek pass by the Mill Hollow turn off, we unloaded the rhino and the snowmobile and started the search. The kids had a great time sledding and riding around in the rhino, the perfect trees were found and we finished off the day with chili, cinnamon rolls and some yummy hot chocolate. It was the perfect day (aside from getting the truck stuck but we won't talk about that) :) And we ended up with one of the best Christmas trees we have ever had! The kids loved helping to decorate it this year and we quickly piled the presents underneath it too. Perfection!

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