Saturday, November 24, 2012

Over the River and Through The Woods....

To find the perfect Christmas Tree We Go!

Lindsey Sledding "Super Fast"

The Jefferies Family Tree

The Deans Family Tree

It's that time again to go find the perfect Langford Christmas Tree...and I think this year we did pretty good. We loaded up the kiddos, met up with the Deans and Jefferies gangs and headed out to breakfast at Ihop then onward to the mountains. Up Deer Creek pass by the Mill Hollow turn off, we unloaded the rhino and the snowmobile and started the search. The kids had a great time sledding and riding around in the rhino, the perfect trees were found and we finished off the day with chili, cinnamon rolls and some yummy hot chocolate. It was the perfect day (aside from getting the truck stuck but we won't talk about that) :) And we ended up with one of the best Christmas trees we have ever had! The kids loved helping to decorate it this year and we quickly piled the presents underneath it too. Perfection!

Friday, November 23, 2012

A New Personal Record...

Well, I've beat my all time shopping record today. I shopped for 24 hours straight from the time I left our home to the time I got home....what was I thinking?!? I'm not so sure this was a record I should have tried to beat....

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful Hearts

I have a hard time during the holidays. I don't really know why exactly...but it starts around Thanksgiving. I have SO much to be thankful for and SO many blessings in my life, it's hard to imagine what it would be like without them...but it also makes me incredibly sad for those who are not as lucky as I am. I have a perfect family....a wonderful husband and two incredible kids...they are my everything. I have a job when so many people don't. I have a home. I have my health and my family is healthy as well. We have food on the table and clothes on our back. We have the means to give our kids not only the things they need, but the things they want. I have been blessed more than I think I deserve and I am so grateful for everything I have been given. So at this time of Thanksgiving...I hope I can remember all the good when it's so easy to see the bad. So while I am surrounded by extended family today and enjoying their company and the good food that has been prepared for us...I do so with a thankful heart and a humble spirit in hopes that the true meaning of Thanksgiving will carry on through my children as well.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Hats, Scarves, Sunglassess and Earmuffs

One of Lindsey's very favorite things to do when we go shopping is to try on hats, sunglasses, scarves, headband, etc. She has never really been one to cover her ears though. While at Target today, she found some Minnie Mouse Earmuffs and promptly put them on and requested a picture. She's so funny! :) And the picture turned out great. Now every time we go somewhere, she insists on trying on some "headphones"...oh that girl, she makes me smile! :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Our Little Indian...

Dylan is learning about Indians and Pilgrims in preschool for in school, he made and Indian Headdress (okay, headband) and is so proud of it, he hasn't taken it off since he's been home. When he started running around with it on without any pants...I couldn't resist but take a picture. Love you my little Indian! :)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

The first snow of the year that stuck around long enough to make a snowman was just what Lindsey had wished for! We bundled her up and Lindsey and Daddy went out to build the two best snowmen ever while Dylan had a nap. The snowmen turned out perfect...complete with coal eyes and smiles. Then it was time for a snowball fight and some snow angels...the perfect winter day!