Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick or Treat! Smell My Feet! Give Me Something Good To Eat!

For Halloween this year, Lindsey was set on being Rapunzel from Tangled and Dylan couldn't make up his mind for the longest time. When he finally decided...he wanted to be a "Monster Jam Gravedigger Monster Truck Driver." Which is not really a costume that exists. So, with the help of my dear friend Lisa and a lot of felt, we constructed a Monster Truck fit for my little man. I think it turned out pretty good (especially for a first try) and he absolutely loved it!

We took the kids trick or treating around the neighborhood then hopped in the car to see Great Grandma, Grandma and Grandpa and drop stuff off for the cousins. All in all, it was a great night! Love my beautiful princess and my monster truck driver! Happy Halloween!

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