Saturday, September 1, 2012

One More Time.....

Picnic inside the park

We just can't stay's unusual for us to only go to Yellowstone once in a year. I guess we couldn't let this year be any different so for Labor Day weekend we headed up again. The kids just love it up there and Ryan and I do's so nice to go somewhere, relax and just have a good time as a family. Everyone is so happy when we go there. Love it! So we decided to try and do some things that we've never done this time. We tried an awesome new mexican restaurant that will definitely be a new favorite, and we tried a new BBQ place too...both were so yummy! We also headed up towards Mammoth this time and stopped at a bunch of places along the way. We've never taken the kids that way because they would always get carsick, but this time we made it all the way with no problems. We also had a picnic lunch in the park which is something else we've never done. All in all, it was a great trip and the kids are already asking when we are going back....

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