Sunday, September 9, 2012

New Addition

The discussion of having a puppy has come up many a time over the last few years. Really ever since we noticed how much the kids loved puppies and since Chongo passed away the conversation has become more frequent. I was pretty insistent that we at least have grass in the backyard before we put an animal back there. Well, since the backyard has grass and the kids are getting older...Ryan got a wild hair and found us a puppy on KSL. We welcomed "Missy" into our home and family this weekend. She is a super sweet little puppy who is actually very well mannered. The kids just love her and want to spend every spare minute with her outside. The poor thing can't catch a break, the kids wear her out super fast. Lindsey and Dylan were so excited to go to the store and pick her out a collar and food dishes and make sure she has everything she needs. Welcome home Missy, we hope you love your new home!

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