Sunday, September 30, 2012

Just In Time For Pictures....

Lindsey has had a rough week. First she did a face plant into the kitchen island at grandma's house, then the next day she did a face plant into some kids shoulder at school. So then we went camping and she hit the same cheek (in the same place) on the table in the trailer. And this lovely big huge bruise is just in time for school pictures. In 2 days. Perfect timing! :) Even with a little bit of a shiner she's still my beautiful least there's retake day if we need it. :) Love you "bruiser!"

Saturday, September 15, 2012

A New Favorite

Lindsey is definitely the "good eater" of the two kids. She will at least try something new instead of just eating bacon and cheetos like her brother. This year she decided corn on the cob from grandma and grandpa's garden would be a good choice to try. She loves it now...which is a little bittersweet because now there is less for me and Ryan. :) So glad she likes something new!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Runnin' Wild

The kiddos have loved playing with Missy! She's a little unsure about how to chase them, but she's catching on rather quickly. They decided to hide under the trampoline to see if she'd follow them....she was a little hesitant but eventually went looking for them. I love watching them play with her. And Missy is definitely a daddy's girl...she has Ryan wrapped around her little paw. Such a great addition to our family!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

New Addition

The discussion of having a puppy has come up many a time over the last few years. Really ever since we noticed how much the kids loved puppies and since Chongo passed away the conversation has become more frequent. I was pretty insistent that we at least have grass in the backyard before we put an animal back there. Well, since the backyard has grass and the kids are getting older...Ryan got a wild hair and found us a puppy on KSL. We welcomed "Missy" into our home and family this weekend. She is a super sweet little puppy who is actually very well mannered. The kids just love her and want to spend every spare minute with her outside. The poor thing can't catch a break, the kids wear her out super fast. Lindsey and Dylan were so excited to go to the store and pick her out a collar and food dishes and make sure she has everything she needs. Welcome home Missy, we hope you love your new home!

Future Author?

Lindsey is lovin' kindergarten and is so proud of all the letters she can write and all the things she has learned. We read books together quite a bit so I guess I shouldn't be surprised when she wanted to write a story. I got her some paper and her markers thinking it would at least be pages of the letters she had been working on in school this week. Instead....we got 3 pages of a "story" that was different every time she told it. :) I love that girl! She cracks me up! After she finished writing her story she insisted that we hang it on the fridge so daddy could see it when he got home. Then she asked if we could take a picture of her by it too....who knows....maybe we will have a novelist in the future. :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Karma's Kiddie Korner Here We Come!

Dylan starts preschool today. I cannot believe that my baby boy is in preschool, the time has flown by. Since his birthday is in the beginning of August, he barely makes the cut off to start school and I'm hoping and praying that he is ready to be a good student. :) We went to meet his teachers and check out the school and he seemed okay...I just don't know how leaving him there will go but we'll soon find out. In true Dylan fashion, he completely his his face from the camera for his first day of school pics and really...I wouldn't expect anything different. I love that little man of mine and I hope his first day of preschool goes perfect. Ready or we come!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

One More Time.....

Picnic inside the park

We just can't stay's unusual for us to only go to Yellowstone once in a year. I guess we couldn't let this year be any different so for Labor Day weekend we headed up again. The kids just love it up there and Ryan and I do's so nice to go somewhere, relax and just have a good time as a family. Everyone is so happy when we go there. Love it! So we decided to try and do some things that we've never done this time. We tried an awesome new mexican restaurant that will definitely be a new favorite, and we tried a new BBQ place too...both were so yummy! We also headed up towards Mammoth this time and stopped at a bunch of places along the way. We've never taken the kids that way because they would always get carsick, but this time we made it all the way with no problems. We also had a picnic lunch in the park which is something else we've never done. All in all, it was a great trip and the kids are already asking when we are going back....