Saturday, March 24, 2012


It really hasn't been that long since we were in the potty training world, but I have to say I really haven't missed it. We have entered that place again...the place full of pee and finding some way to bribe the youngster...not my favorite. Dylan has started potty training and will do awesome for a day or two and then not so great for a day or two. I don't think I have the patience for this again...but I will try. So far, I've only been peed on once and he has used the big boy potty lots. I am so proud of my little man and I can tell he really doesn't want to be doing this, but does it anyway. I think we found the bribery that works too...Monster Trucks. He is such a boy! :) And while I'm so not excited to be in this place makes me a little bit sad to realize that my baby is growin' up so fast.

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