Saturday, March 24, 2012

Gotta Love 'Em

How do you say no to those faces?!? Sure do love my kiddos!

Sugar & Spice & Everything Nice....

That's what my little girl is made of! I went to get my nails done and Lindsey begged and begged to go with me so she could have sparkly pretty nails too! So I caved. And luckily Denise (the lady who makes my fingers pretty) was absolutely fine with it too. Lindsey picked out her nail polish color and even got pink sparkles on top too. She had a great time and was so proud of her pretty fingers! :) Oh how I love my girl!

Too many to count...

If I never see another phone book or TV Guide in my life, I'll be a happy girl. I understand that this is what my uncle Kim's favorite thing to read was...but oh my gosh. Ryan I decided to help dad out and devote a Saturday to cleaning out part of Grandpa's house again...we picked Kim's room. I have never in my entire life seen so many TV Guides. They were everywhere...some as old as I am. I could have found one for my birthday month if I wanted and seen what great 80's shows were playing that night. And the phone books....from old as the 1950's. And while it still amazes me that Kim could tell you the address and phone number of anyone in any of those books, I also got a glimpse into the life he lead that I never knew. The hours upon hours of reading tv guides, phone books and the countless books in his room. Again...I wish my family now had known him a little I will strive to keep the memory alive, however, the tv guides have got to go!


It really hasn't been that long since we were in the potty training world, but I have to say I really haven't missed it. We have entered that place again...the place full of pee and finding some way to bribe the youngster...not my favorite. Dylan has started potty training and will do awesome for a day or two and then not so great for a day or two. I don't think I have the patience for this again...but I will try. So far, I've only been peed on once and he has used the big boy potty lots. I am so proud of my little man and I can tell he really doesn't want to be doing this, but does it anyway. I think we found the bribery that works too...Monster Trucks. He is such a boy! :) And while I'm so not excited to be in this place makes me a little bit sad to realize that my baby is growin' up so fast.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

My Love Bug

Lately my little love bug has just randomly run up to me to tell me he loves me. "I lub you mama" with a hug and a kiss...doesn't get any better than that! He's so affectionate and considerate. What a great little man...I sure do love that bubby!

My Best Friend

Not everyone is lucky enough to marry their best friend...I consider myself one of the lucky ones. Ryan is my everything. Sometimes I forget to tell him but I think he knows. He has the biggest heart and is so loving to me and our kids. I couldn't ask for a better father to our children. He takes such good care of all of us and I love him more and more every day!

Coming too fast....

I can't believe we've reached this point already...kindergarten registration. How in the world is my baby girl old enough for kindergarten? What happened?!? She was just my baby girl...but yet, here we are, my big girl is ready for kindergarten. She is so excited! And while she absolutely loves preschool, I think she's ready for kindergarten now too. She is so imaginative and precocious. She is my smart cookie! I love her so much and I'm so excited to see her grow up...she just needs to go a little slower! :) love my Linds!

The Thickest Dust I've Ever Seen....

I'm not saying I have an OCD kind of clean house...but I at least clean the important stuff. And yes, I've been accused of being a "hoarder" although I don't agree in the least. I've seen the piles of memories that people keep for their own reasons...and mine are quite small in comparison. Over the past few months my grandpa peek's health as not been good. He's had some cancer removed, lost some personal freedoms and had to accept the help given even though he thinks he doesn't need it. Since the death of my uncle Kim, grandpa's health has continued to decline. And while it's always hard to see someone who's not feelin' well, it's been good too. My own father's relationship with his dad has increased greatly. And my dad has taken it upon himself to be the one grandpa can depend on for all kinds of cares. One such situation would be the cleaning out of grandpa's house...which I volunteered to help with. First mistake. Well, not really a mistake, I just didn't know what I was getting myself into. It has been years and years since I remember going inside grandpa's house...the same plants that were dead by the window then are still there and more dead now. Years and years of awards and plaques and cards and papers of Kim's travels and accomplishments cover the entire house top to bottom...where do you even begin in that? But as I sat there with my dad and went through all these memories with made me remember what family is really about. And sometimes I forget where I came from. And sometimes I don't want to remember...but I'm glad I do.