Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Will you be my valentine?

Valentine's Day was full of love at our house. While I believe you should show the ones you love how much you love them on a daily basis, how can you go wrong with a whole day dedicated to just that?!? My pretty princess, my handsome boy and my hubby were the perfect valentines for me! Treats and little presents were ready for the kiddos when they got up that day and a special treat for Ryan was ready too. I just love my family so much...I couldn't help but tell them that in the form of gifts! Later that night, Lindsey, Dylan and I delivered our treats to our family. Lindsey was extra sneaky this year and was awesome and not getting caught! After the deliveries were made we spent some time at home with daddy as a favorite part of the day! Love you guys!


I love my family. They take excellent care of me. For my birthday this year, Lindsey and Ryan made me breakfast in bed, Ryan took me out to dinner on Friday and Saturday we had a fun filled evening in Wendover with Kristy and Len. My favorite dinner of chicken and noodles on Sunday! Such a great birthday weekend. I couldn't ask for more. Some great memories were made and I even found out I was part of a crew! While I may be hesitant to head out to Wendover with Kristy again anytime soon, we definitely had a great time! I'm so grateful for my family and all they do for me! They put up with a lot from me and I love them!

Uh Oh the Big 3-0

I didn't want to be 30. I really, really didn't want to be 30, and I couldn't tell you why it was so dreaded....but it was. I'm not supposed to be this old. However, I was reminded numerous times by numerous people just how loved I am. And if I hadn't been around for those 30 years already, some of those people wouldn't be in my life either. I am so thankful for my many friends and family who support me and love me and make everyday that much better. The girls at work went out of their way to decorate my desk (complete with black balloons and saran wrap around the phone) and took me to lunch to celebrate. I spend so much time with them...I'm so glad I can call them my friends and am lucky to know each and everyone of them.