Sunday, January 29, 2012


The kids and I spent the day in SLC yesterday cleaning out part of Grandma's basement. The kids had a great time playing with the cousins while Stacie and I tried to clear out all the cobwebs, spider webs and dead things. Gross. But while searching through box after box, I came to a realization. Well, okay, a couple realizations...1, I miss my grandpa (and grandma too) a lot more than I realized. I wish my kids and Ryan could have met him and spent some time with him. 2, people save some weird stuff and I'm sure I'm just as guilty of this too but it had a meaning to the person saving it even if it doesn't have a meaning to you. 3, I really want to clean out my stuff before my children have the task. :) There will be much more to do and I'm more than willing to help out...but it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Lots of memories in that house were held in that basement and while change can be a good's a hard thing too. I'm glad that my kids have the chance to know their grandparents, and have had the opportunity to know some of their great grandparents...I just hope they realize one day how lucky they really are.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Mel :-) Memories are so important when we lose loved ones. Sometimes we don't realize how important until they are gone. I am happy that you have such wonderful memories of your grandparents. They will stay in your heart forever... Love ya!
