Sunday, March 17, 2013

SnowWest Snowmobile Show

This year we decided to take the kiddos and head to the snowmobile show in West Yellowstone for the weekend. Dave and Raylene headed up with us and we made it a nice little vacation. The kids had a great time seeing the bears and wolves and took full advantage of the swimming pool in the hotel. We wandered around to see all the snowmobiles and the vintage sleds were pretty cool. We watched the snowmobile races for a little bit but the kids were getting tired of walking so we didn't stay long. We wandered through town, did a little shopping and just enjoyed getting away. I think Dylan's favorite part was the motorcycle freestyling in the middle of town for about an hour...he thought it was the coolest and was so disappointed when it was over. All in all we had a great time...maybe we should make this our yearly trip. :)

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