Thursday, August 2, 2012

3 years tough...

Gravedigger cake...

complete with mud on the tires...

The perfect cake for my Bubby!

Dylan's Dinner choice....of course. :)

My baby turned 3 today. He is such a cute little man and I love watching him grow up. He's my little tough guy, but still needs his mama. He is such a mommy's boy and I love it! Dylan has been obsessed with Monster Jam and all the trucks lately. They are his very favorite thing ever! So when I saw this Gravedigger cake that my friend Stacy had made, I was all over it. Luckily, she agreed and found time in her super busy schedule to create this masterpiece for Dylan's birthday and it was such a huge hit! The tires were doughnuts and all the kids wanted one. And the cake was delicious too! Dylan was so stoked that his birthday cake was a Gravedigger truck and kept asking "is that for me?" I would tell him yes and all he could say was "oh wow!" He's so funny. Happy Birthday Dylan we love you more and more everyday! I don't know what I would do without my Bubby! :)

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