Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Kindergarten Here We Come!

Lindsey's first day of school this year sent her to Willow Elementary School as a Kindergarten student! She was so excited to go to her "second school" and be at the same place that Dalton and Alivia go. My little baby girl is so grown up now...I can't believe she's in kindergarten! My how time flies. Lindsey and I went to her "Kindergarten Tea" the day before school started and met her teacher Mrs. Marks. We also got a tour of the school, got to check out the library and she even got to play on the playground. We found some old friends from preschool and she was starting to feel right at home. Ryan took her to her first day of school and we spent the first week helping her find her way to her classroom so she could start walking to class all on her own. She was so excited and you can tell she loves being a "big kid" with the others. So proud of my baby girl!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Kindergarten Tea

Before we start Kindergarten, we get to go meet the teachers and have a tour of the school and make it a little less intense for the first timers. :) Lindsey had a great time playing on the playground and was making lots of friends. We met her teach Mrs. Marks, the principal and the librarian. We found her classroom and all the most important places to go in school like the playground (and the bathroom) :) Lindsey was all set for her first day!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Just Keep Swimming...

Lindsey took swimming lessons this summer. It was easiest for me to get her to the lessons at the Pratt Aquatic Center in Tooele so we signed her up and she was stoked! I didn't know how daring she would be, but the first day she was sticking her face in the water and trying to do everything the teachers told her to do. She did awesome! She passed level 1 and we will sign her up for level 2 in the near future. Way to go baby girl!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Camping and Fishin'

This weekend we loaded up the wagon and the ol' family truckster and headed down to Gooseberry Reservoir again for the weekend. Brad, Amy, Natalie and Kate Grgich came with us and we all had a blast! The kids loved fishing and playing in the trailer, they colored lots of pictures, played barbies and trucks and read some books. Lindsey and Dylan were happy to have other kids to play with this time...and puppies as well. :) They played hide and seek and caught a ton of fish. We took the boat out and just enjoyed the good outdoors. Smores, starry skies, campfires and good friends...it doesn't get much better than this...

Thursday, August 2, 2012

3 years tough...

Gravedigger cake...

complete with mud on the tires...

The perfect cake for my Bubby!

Dylan's Dinner choice....of course. :)

My baby turned 3 today. He is such a cute little man and I love watching him grow up. He's my little tough guy, but still needs his mama. He is such a mommy's boy and I love it! Dylan has been obsessed with Monster Jam and all the trucks lately. They are his very favorite thing ever! So when I saw this Gravedigger cake that my friend Stacy had made, I was all over it. Luckily, she agreed and found time in her super busy schedule to create this masterpiece for Dylan's birthday and it was such a huge hit! The tires were doughnuts and all the kids wanted one. And the cake was delicious too! Dylan was so stoked that his birthday cake was a Gravedigger truck and kept asking "is that for me?" I would tell him yes and all he could say was "oh wow!" He's so funny. Happy Birthday Dylan we love you more and more everyday! I don't know what I would do without my Bubby! :)