Sunday, January 29, 2012


The kids and I spent the day in SLC yesterday cleaning out part of Grandma's basement. The kids had a great time playing with the cousins while Stacie and I tried to clear out all the cobwebs, spider webs and dead things. Gross. But while searching through box after box, I came to a realization. Well, okay, a couple realizations...1, I miss my grandpa (and grandma too) a lot more than I realized. I wish my kids and Ryan could have met him and spent some time with him. 2, people save some weird stuff and I'm sure I'm just as guilty of this too but it had a meaning to the person saving it even if it doesn't have a meaning to you. 3, I really want to clean out my stuff before my children have the task. :) There will be much more to do and I'm more than willing to help out...but it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Lots of memories in that house were held in that basement and while change can be a good's a hard thing too. I'm glad that my kids have the chance to know their grandparents, and have had the opportunity to know some of their great grandparents...I just hope they realize one day how lucky they really are.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Black Man?!?

So I was in the kitchen the other night doing dishes and Lindsey (being all sneaky like) pops around the corner and comes up to me..."Mommy I'm a black man!" She says all excited. What?!? A Black Man?!? I am seriously confused at where she gets these things from..."what do you mean?" I ask her...She promptly kicks her leg out and give me a Hi-ya! "Do you mean a Ninja?" I ask her..."yea mommy, a ninja in black...A black man!" Oh okay....well, lets just call them Ninjas, okay? :) Love that girl of mine.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

More Clifford The Big Red Dog

Clifford The Big Red Dog

This weekend was Lindsey's turn to bring home Clifford the Big Red Dog from Miss Janet's preschool class. She was so excited to take pictures with him and show him all her books and toys. He has been dressed up, hair done, read to and even taken to the movies. Clifford has become a member of the family for the weekend and Lindsey has loved every minute of it! Welcome Clifford....hope you enjoy your stay with the Langfords!

A Boy and His Toys

Dylan has decided that the empty pop boxes are the coolest thing ever! Not only are they awesome "trucks" that can crash over and over, but lately they've been "vaccuums" too...oh the boy's imagination is endless!

Beauty & The Beast!!!

Today Lindsey and I had a "girls day" to go see Beauty & The Beast in 3D with Brooklynn and Jayna. Lindsey has been so excited, this is one of her favorite movies and to see it in 3D was awesome! We had so much fun with Miss B and Jayna eating popcorn, cotton candy and milk duds...the movie was great too! We will most definitely be doing this again soon!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Big 30

Today Ryan turned the big 3-0! We celebrated with some friends for dinner last weekend and just spent tonight with the kiddos. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful man as my husband and father to our children. I don't know what I'd do without you babe! Happy Birthday! We love you!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Our Sweet Little Dancer...

I never thought the sight of my sweet little girl in her dance costume would make me feel so proud! Lindsey just started dance this year and has done so well, she was so excited to dance in her "performances" during December. I honestly thought she would be a little more scared than she was, but she surprised me by going right up on stage without a second thought and shakin' it like a natural! She did so great and looked so cute. I have loved watching her "practice" in the back seat of the car on the way to class...I just love her so much! I can't wait to see what her spring recital will bring. Love you Linds!

Gingerbread Houses Extravaganza!

Almost every year since I have been a member of the Langford Family, we have made gingerbread houses with the kiddos. Lindsey was so proud of our house this year, and she did an awesome job decorating it. Lindsey and Dylan had so much fun playing with the kids, eating tons of candy and making our cute house. I can't wait to see what we come up with for next year!

Christmas 2011

We had a super eventful December this year, but of course, Christmas was one of the major highlights. I can't post all the pictures we took...there are just too many. But this was the first year that Lindsey was 100% into the Christmas Spirit! She could not wait for Santa to come and her excitement got Dylan excited too. I loved watching them Christmas morning, their little eyes lit up when they saw what Santa had brought them! I think next year will be even more fun! And hopefully all those fun things we tried to do this year will actually work out next year. :)

Monday, January 2, 2012

We spent some time with friends yesterday playing on the wheelers in the mud. We had a great time and the kids even wore their helmets without a fight! Brooklynn was super excited about her 4 wheeler that she got for Christmas from Santa and insisted on giving everyone a ride. What a fun day!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

My super cute family picking pumpkins this past halloween.

New Beginning

After much persuasion from a certain family we are joining the blogging world. Let me bring you up to speed....We have been married for 8 happy years, we have a beautiful daughter Lindsey who is 4 and a handsome little boy Dylan who is 2. Our lives are truly blessed and we enjoy every day we have together. Through thick and thin we will make it through, together. Bring it on 2012, we are ready!