Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Trophy Daughter Take 2

Lindsey has done awesome in her dance class and was so excited to go to the awards ceremony/picnic at the park tonight...she was just sure she would get another trophy. Well, not only did she get another trophy....she got 3 more trophies! One for participation, one for awesome attitude, and one for perfect attendance! My little dancing queen was smiling ear to ear as they kept calling her proud of my baby girl! Way to go Lindsey! :)

Friday, May 17, 2013

Fire truck, Fire truck....

Dylan and his preschool class were invited to a tour of the Grantsville City Fire station...including a ride on the fire truck. Dylan was so excited to go with his friends and I was able to go with them. :) We rode down to the station from the preschool, had a full tour of the station and the firefighters talked to the kids about fire safety and had them practice their Stop, Drop and Roll skills. Then we all hopped back on the fire truck and headed back to school. Dylan was a little scared of the firefighter in his full gear (I think because of the oxygen mask) but had a great time checking everything out. I'm so glad I got to go with him! :)