Sunday, February 24, 2013

Family Dinner

We decided to invite Brad, Amy, Natalie and Kate Grigch over for dinner and to play. We fired up the barbecue and Amy brought some most delicious salad and dip and chips. The kids absolutely love to play with Natalie and Kate so they were stoked that they came to play at our house. They played dress up and Dylan was their prince, they built towers with blocks and played dolls. They even had their very own kids table for dinner...they were on top of the world. We all had a great time, I think maybe we should make this a regular habit. :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

One Year Older & Wiser Too...

The big 31...and I hope I've learned a few things over this past year as well. I think I have. :) We kept it low key for my birthday this year. My favorite dinner of chicken & noodles at Dave and Raylene's and some cake and ice cream too. Birthday wishes from family and friends made the day a little sweeter. Here's to another year...

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Love At First Sight

While wondering the toy aisles in Walmart...Lindsey came across a giant Sulley the monster from Monsters Inc. She was in love with it and wanted it right then and there. I convinced her to wait and see what she got for Valentine's Day with the plan to come back and get it later. So we took a picture to tide her over. But when I went back to pick up Sulley...they were all gone. Valentine's Day came and went and my little baby girl was heart broken. The search was on...and it continued for about 3 weeks when finally (on a whim) when I was wandering through Walmart while Lindsey was at dance class I decided to check (again). And lo and behold...Sulley had returned! I snatched him up and went to pick up Lindsey. As soon as she got in the car, she saw the fur and freaked! It was one of the best surprises ever...she was so excited!!! Lesson learned...don't wait, just get it then. :) Welcome to the family Sulley!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Brother + Sister = Best Friend

Dylan and Lindsey may fight a lot...but I know they love each other. And the majority of the time, they play so well together...I can tell they are best friends. Dylan is so concerned with Lindsey being happy and Lindsey tries so hard to help him learn words and reading. They love to play trucks together, they love to sing to the Fresh Beat Band Together, they love to laugh to Pocoyo together...they have so much fun together, it makes my heart happy. They always have some little game that they've made up to play together. I hope they'll always be this close. I do love my baby girl and my bubby!