Friday, January 25, 2013


I don't care what everyone else says...these kiddos look like their dad. Dylan especially. So when Ryan and Dylan both put their hats's even more obvious. Now they're ready to go outside for some fun. I love these boys so much!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Happy Birthday Louie!!!

Today Ryan turned 31...which means I'm next. Yuck. It's hard to really celebrate when your birthday is in the middle of the we went to Wendover that weekend instead. Grandma Jolene came out and stayed with the kiddos while Ryan and I went out. Dinner at the buffet was great and we had fun playing the slots afterwards. We even came home ahead! :) I don't know what I'd do without this man of mine and I'm so glad he's sharing his life with me. He is the perfect husband and an awesome father...I'm lucky that I found him. Love you babe! Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

We rang in the new year with just our family this year....which is something new and different for us but we had a great time. We were invited to a few places but since everyone has been sick off and on we decided to just kick it at home. The kids and I played games and ate popcorn and treats. We watched some cartoons and were all in bed by 1030. Maybe not the most exciting...but we had a good time and I got to ring in the new year with my absolutely favorite people! :)