Thursday, May 17, 2012

~Cowboy Day~

This week at preschool, Lindsey had a "Cowboy Day" which I completely forgot about so she was not dressed the part. :) But she still had a great time and even got to ride a horse. Such a huge change from where she was last fear whatsoever! She looks like a natural. :) Love ya Linds!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Watch me mama!

Playing outside is one of our favorite things and now that it's finally getting warm, we are out most evenings. Dylan has taken over the scooter and is constantly yelling for us to watch him scoot along. Oh how I love that boy!

April Showers Bring May Flowers

Every year Lindsey and Ryan plant the flowers in the front yard. It's definitely something Lindsey looks forward to for sure. So when Ryan came home on Saturday morning from buying the petunias, Lindsey was stoked! She helped him dig the holes, place the flowers and even went with him later to get more so she could pick out some of the colors. She is so proud of her and daddy's beautiful flowers and takes great care of them to make sure they grow big and strong. Thanks for making our home beautiful!

Hello Kitty!

Lindsey's friend Bailey had a Hello Kitty themed birthday party and face painting was part of the fun! Lindsey had a great time at the party and didn't want to take off her cute hello kitty face for as long as possible. I think the blue frosting mustache completes the look. :) Love that baby girl of mine!

Don't Burst My Bubble!!!!

Blowing bubbles has always been a favorite pastime for the kiddos. New bubbles are like GOLD!!! So when I found Cars bubbles and Minnie Mouse bubbles at Walmart, the kids were all over it! So one night after dance class we opened 'em up and even Dylan got some big bubbles going.