Sunday, April 22, 2012

Barbie Make-up Case

For Christmas last year, Lindsey got a Barbie make-up case from Grandpa Brian and Lizzie. She begs constantly to put on her make-up. I finally gave in...this is the end result. The eyebrows are my favorite. :)

Bacon, Garlic Bread, Chips and Cashews

That's what this little boy is made of...until now. That's right! We've found a new food and have finally expanded the world of eating up a notch! Pizza. With no toppings...but still. And pancakes! Whahoo for trying new we just need to find a few more but I'm happy with this for now, at least it's not baby food anymore. And potty training is going pretty well. He will tell me know if his pants are clean or not and will got in the potty most of the time...he sure is growing up!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

HIppity Hoppity

Easter is here! The Easter Bunny paid a visit to our house and left some goodies for Lindsey and Dylan. They found their awesome easter eggs and a basket filled with fun stuff. New clothes, new books and some candy! What a great morning!

Easter Egg Hunt at Grandma's & Grandpa's House

Traditionally after dinner, all the kids have an easter egg hunt in the backyard at grandma and grandpa Langfords. The kids were super excited this year and Dylan even wanted to hunt. They searched high and low, found all their eggs, opened them up and found $$$ in all of them! Gotta love that Easter Bunny!

Easter Eggs!

Lindsey and Dylan (ok, mom) colored easter eggs for the Easter Bunny to hide on Easter morning. Lindsey was a great helper in getting all the colors mixed up and picking out stickers for each egg. She is definitely turning into my little artist. After they were all decorated, we put them in the fridge so the easter bunny could find them the next morning to hide them...he was quite surprise by how beautiful they were. :)

Easter Eggs!

Hit the Trails...

For Easter weekend this year, we borrowed a Polaris Ranger and hit the trails. The kids loved going for "rides on the wheeler" and we rounded up a small caravan and headed for the canyon. Bryan, Brady, Brad and Natalie all joined us for a ride up to the dam and then the top of Davenport Canyon. It was a little chilly, but we all had a blast!